Saturday, December 15, 2012

Art of love

People nowadays seem to be very vocal regarding love. Actually some people know best how to express their love. Somehow, life does not allow it to happen. First thing first, we need to know the meaning of love. Love is a feeling to be loved and loving. In fact, we need to love our creator, almighty Allah. If you love Him, you will love those who love Him especially your prophet and His followers. Islam is the way of life. When you step in this world, you had an agreement with Him so that you can behave and appreciate your life. At that moment, you try to love your life in your mother's womb and cry when you step into a new life which is this world. Basically, we have known what is love since our era in a place called womb. Do not bluff if you never know what love is. Second, we need to love our prophet as he is the best human in this world. He is the last messenger and we should follow all his Sunnah. Why?Because he is also a human being that we can follow from the beginning of life until the day we die. Hopefully, faith is still in our body as the day we need to leave this world. Friends keep changing while family remains the same. Love your family members as hoping that you can unite as a family in Jannah. This is because some people do love their friends than their family. It is okay to love those who love us but we need to prioritize accordingly. Couple?Is there such term in Islam?No. Absolutely not. Couple just exist in marriage world. However, teenagers tend to pray for any couple without any legal relationship. They think they are the best by showing that they are much closer than married couple. Change you mind set people. They only love you for your lust. Satan is everywhere. The best thing is, pray for your future life. Pray for your partner to be. Pray for everything that you want the best in life because Allah had destined the best to you. You can change the destiny by His bless. Life is not all about praying by doing nothing. Make some efforts and pray for that to happen. Love is not the only way to allow your lust to be the king.  Love is something that you can create and put in your soul with bless. Understand love from Islam perspective if you are a Muslim. Put your love for Allah so that He can spread the love only for the bless.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Genting Highlands

Genting is one of the most exciting memories that I should not ever forget in my life. Cold environment as I expected. The journey took about 2 hours and half from Kajang station. 5 boys were heading to Genting by a rapid bus so called as an expert. Arrived and lined up to fly by "skyway". It took about 30 minutes to reach at the top of Genting. Hardly to breath as the height is increasing. Most people were so eager to play 36 games provided. Unfortunately, we just wasted our precious time by waiting and waiting. Firstly, we played a game just like a roller coaster as I forgot the real name. I don't think I would try it for the second time in my life as it was horrible. Life should not be scared. Enjoyment was at the end of the play. Lol!They were all screaming and I was speechless. Too scared to say any single word. We moved on to another game, whereby it just like a flying sway. Again, it was really high! The next game was about crazy spider-man. It was really crazy as we have to lay down our body and spin like a mad spider-man. It was really exciting. Only Allah knows how I feel at that time. Another game is called pirate ship. It was really pirate by the way. Again, height is the factor to scare people. In conclusion, Malaysians love to scream themselves including the one who writes this enttry. HAHAHA. 

Saturday, December 1, 2012


Titik kehidupan (iman)
  Kehidupan adalah satu lukisan yang dilukis oleh pelukisya iaitu kita. Semua dari kita mempunyai warna-warna yang menarik dalam kehidupan. Namun, kadangkala sering tidak kita sedari bahawa warna ini bukan sahaja menunjukkan diri kita yang sebenar tetapi ia juga mempengaruhi gaya kehidupan kita. Jika kita berjaya mengelak coretan hitam di dalam kanvas kehidupan kita, maka ia adalah satu kejayaan hebat bagi kita. Sebenarnya, kehidupan kita berlandaskan tiga paksi utama yang rata-ratanya sering dipandang enteng oleh sesetengah kita. Masyarakat yang berada dalam kalangan pasca moden ini sering mengabaikan apa yang penting malah selalu memperbesarkan perkara yang remeh. Tiga perkara utama yang sangat penting ialah iman, hati dan nafsu. Ketiga elemen dalam aspek kehidupan kita seringkali berlegar dalam kancah kehidupan seorang insan. Ya, tiada manusia sempurna. Oleh yang demikian, kita perlu mengingati antara satu sama lain atas tiket kita sebagai seorang insan yang lemah. Insan yang tidak pernah terlepas dari melakukan dosa. Iman adalah antara aspek terpenting yang perlu difahami setiap manusia.
“Sesungguhnya di dalam diri manusia ada sebuah jasad. Jika ia baik, akan baik seluruh amalnya. Ketahuilah, ia adalah hati.”
                                                                                                               (Hadis Riwayat Ahmad)
  Iman tersusun rapi kepada 6 prinsip utama. Ia adalah mengenal Allah, mengenal alam, mengenal kitab-kitab Allah, mengenal para nabi dan rasul, mengenali hari akhirat dan juga mengenali qadar. Jika kita berjaya mengenal Allah atas cinta kita kepada-Nya, nescaya kehidupan ini akan indah. Namun, adakah kita betul-betul mengenal Allah sebaik kita dilahirkan ke bumi?Atau kita hanya mengenali Allah semasa saat kita menghadapi kesukaran dalam kehidupan?Atau hanya semasa kita inginkan kejayaan sementara di dunia ini. Tepuk dada tanya iman. Teruskan mengenal Allah dengan mengetahui sifat-sifatnya dan teruskan mempercayai-Nya kerana hanya Dialah yang layak disembah. Seterusnya, rukun iman kedua ialah mengenal alam.
Berapa ramai di antara kita yang mengucapkan “Subhanallah” jika melihat sesuatu kecantikan?Hal ini kerana alam ini adalah bukti utama mengapa kita perlu patuh dan taat kepada perintah Allah. Allah bukan sahaja menjadikan manusia dengan akal dan tubuh badan sempurna malah Allah juga berkuasa menetapkan sesuatu perkara. Seorang bukan Islam pernah bertanya, “Jika Tuhan itu sempurna, mengapa dia jadikan manusia tidak sempurna”? Hal ini kerana Allah itu mencipta sesuatu dengan sebab dan asas yang kukuh. Ingatlah bahawa sehelai daun di muka bumi ini tidak akan jatuh ke bumi tanpa izin Allah. Manusia yang dijadikan tidak sempurna adalah simbol untuk melahirkan rasa kesyukuran kepada manusia yang sempurna sifatnya supaya terus bersyukur. Mereka juga perlu mengetahui bahawa hidup ini boleh berubah sekelip mata dengan izin-Nya.
Wahai manusia, apakah yang telah menyebabkan engkau lalai dan leka daripada mengingati Tuhanmu yang mulia? Yang telah mencipta dan mengatur kejadianmu, lalu menjadikan anggotamu sesuai (dengan tujuan anggota itu diciptakan), dalam apa jua bentuk dan rupa Allah menyusun kejadianmu seperti mana yang Dia kehendaki. (Al-Infithor : 6-8)
  Seterusnya, kita seharusnya mengenal kitab-kitab Allah. Bukan hanya dari segi kitab al-Quran, malah apa sahaja kitab yang berkaitan agama kita iaitu Islam. Islam itu mudah tetapi jangan memudahkan islam. Islam menuntut kita untuk mencari ilmu bermanfaat tetapai berapa ramai sahaja umat islam yang dahagakan ilmu berkaitan islam berbanding hiburan yang melalaikan?Berapa ramai sahaja umat kita yang masih berfikiran islam adalah cara kehidupan kita?Media massa masa kini adalah luas dan sesiapa sahaja boleh berhubung di mana-mana. Maka, ia terpulang kepada si pencari ilmu sama ada iamentarbiyahkan jiwa ke arah yang lebih baik atau terus hanyut dalam warna kehidupan yang hitam dan gelap. Imam Syahid Hasan Al-Banna berkata di dalam Risalah Muktamar Kelima: “Sesungguhnya proses pembinaan umat dan mendidik masyarakat, menggapai cita-cita dan memenangkan prinsip memerlukan ummah yang memiliki ‘kekuatan jiwa’ yang terungkap seperti berikut; keinginan yang padu yang tidak mampu dilemahkan, kesetiaan tanpa pengkhianatan, pengorbanan yang mulia yang membuang rasa bakhil dan mengetahui prinsip dan beriman dengan prinsip tersebut.” Al-Quran adalah kitab teragung di dunia kerana ia merangkumi setiap aspek kehidupan kita sama ada yang lama mahupun yang baharu. Kajilah ia sedalam mungkin agar kehidupan ini menjadi lebih bermakna untuk kita terapkan dalam setiap saat kehidupan kita. Nescaya dua malaikat yang sentiasa bersama kita akan mencatatkan amal kebaikan yang ingin kita lakukan walau di mana kita berada. Insya-Allah semoga para pembaca juga akan beroleh manfaat berguna apabila kita mengkaji ilmu akhirat. Sesungguhnya ilmu akhirat itu menjamin ilmu dunia. Barangsiapa yang mencari kebahagiaan akhirat, nescaya dia akan memperolehi bahagia di dunia dan akhirat. Namun, jika dia hanya cintakan kebahagiaan dunia, maka dia tidak akan dapat memperoleh kebahagiaan akhirat.
  Selain itu, kita juga diseru untuk mengenal para nabi dan Rasul. Nabi Muhammad s.a.w adalah nabi terakhir bagi semua umat Islam. Dialah contoh terbaik dan teragung bagi umat Islam keran dia  merupakan seorang manusia. Setiap tutur kata dan perbuatannya wajar dijadikan panduan hidup seorang insan. Hal ini kerana manusia sering kali mencontohi tokoh yang mereka sanjungi dan mengetepikan sunnah nabi. Alangkah eloknya jika kita berjaya mengikut hampir kesemua sunnah nabi dalam segenap aspek kehidupan kita.  Namun, pernahkah kita mengetahui riwayat hidup beliau? Jika belum, pujuklah hati supaya kamu masih berpeluang mengamalkan sunnahnya sebelum terlambat. Nabi sangat sayangkan umatnya dan cintakan kita sehingga dia sanggup menerima azab penderitaan saat getir kematiannya. Nabi juga sangat khuatir jika kita tidak menunaikan solat dan memohon kepada Allah untuk mengurangkan bilangan solat. Sungguh besar pengorbananmu ya Rasulullah. Dakwah dan perwatakanmu sungguh suci serupa embun di pagi hari.
  Dalam hadis Jiril yang mahsyur, ketika dia datang bertemu Nabi s.a.w dalam bentuk seorang badwi bertanya tentang Islam, iman dan ihsan, Nabi s.a.w menjawab tentang iman:Kamu percaya kepada Allah, para malaikatnya, kitab-kitabNya, para rasulNya, Hari   Terakhir (Hari Qiamat) dan kamu percaya kepada qadar (ketetapan Allah), baik dan buruknya. (Riwayat Muslim daripada Umar bin al Khottob r.a)
Rukun iman kelima ialah mengenali hari akhirat dan persitiwanya. Saban hari kita terlupa bahawa kematian itu pasti. Berapa ramai antara kita yang menyedari hakikat hari akhirat iaitu hari pembalasan bagi seluruh umat sejagat. Diceritakan pelbagai kisah ngeri berkenaan azab dalam neraka Jahanam dan keindahan syurga Firdaus. Jika ditanya kepada semua pembaca hatta yang sedang melakukan maksiat pun, mereka pasti akan memilih syurga. Seburuk mana pun kamu di dunia, percayalah pintu taubat tidak pernah tertutup jika masih ada lagi cahaya iman di dalam hati kamu. Mengenali hari akhirat bukan sahaja akan memberi kesedaran kepada kita, malah memujuk hati kita supaya terus beribadat kepada Allah bagi mendapatkan kebahagiaan yang tiada berpenghujung. Ayah pernah berpesan, “ Sesiapa yang mendengar azan tetapi tidak ke masjid akan di curahkan tembaga yang panas menggelegak ke dalam telinganya.” Betapa peritnya orang-orang yang sengaja mencampakkan diri mereka ke dalam api neraka.
Allah berfirman di dalam Surah al-Baqarah ayat 195- bermaksud:
Jangan kamu mencampak diri kamu kepada kebinasaan’.
Namun, masih ada yang kuat mengangkat berat di mana-mana gimnasium tetapi lemah mengangkat takbir di surau dan masjid.
  Akhir sekali, kita hendaklah mengenali qadar yang menjadi landasan sistem alam sejagat. Ia bertujuan membekalkan sesorang dengan kekuatan dan keupayaan untuk berhadapan dengan pelbagai halangan dan kesusahan. Boleh jadi kesusahan yang kita rasakan perit itu akan menjadi titik tolak kepada kebahagiaan kita. Jika tidak di dunia, mungkin di akhirat kelak. Ketahuilah bahawa takdir Allah itu adalah yang terbaik dari setiap segi. Tidak ada kebetulan dalam hidup ini di mana kita ditakdirkan terhadap sesuatu perkara namun kita berpeluang mengubahnya untuk mendapatkan pilihan yang terbaik dalam kehidupan. Kehidupan ini bukan untuk bersenang lenang dan berserah segalanya dengan takdir tetapi kita pelu kuat dan bangkit untuk meneruskan kehidupan sebaik yang boleh. Mencari berkat dan kekuatan daripada Allah adalah yang sebaiknya. Jika kamu masih hidup pada hari ini, ingatlah dosa yang kamu lakukan pada masa lampau. Hal ini kerana kamu masih banyak lagi peluang untuk melakukan kebaikan kepada diri dan orang lain. Jagalah agama kamu nescaya kamu akan selamat.
  Jelaslah bahawa iman adalah bertujuan untuk mendidik peribadi manusia, membersihkannya dan memandu jiwa ke arah yang lebih agung. Ia adalah ruh bagi setiap manusia yang menghidupkan tabie manusia. Tanpanya, ruh akan mati. Ia adalah cahaya yang sangat indah. Apabila cahaya itu hilang daripada manusia, manusia akan sesat dalam fatamorgana kehidupan dan hancur dalam kemusnahan kesesatan. Firman Allah Taala:
Dan adakah orang yang mati (hatinya dengan kufur), kemudian Kami hidupkan dia semula (dengan hidayah petunjuk), dan Kami hidupkan dia semula (dengan hidayah petunjuk), dan Kami jadikan baginya cahaya (iman) yang menerangi (sehingga dapatlah dia membezakan antara yang benar dan yang salah, dan dapatlah) dia berjalan dengan suluhan cahaya itu dalam masyarakat manusia, (adakah orang yang demikian keadaannya) sama seperti yang tinggal tetap di dalam gelap-gelita (kufur), yang tidak dapat keluar sama sekali daripadanya? (al-An’am:122)


Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Suatu pagi seorang bayi siap untuk dilahirkan ke dunia.

Dia bertanya kepada Tuhan,
Bayi : "Para malaikat di sini mengatakan bahawa  Engkau akan mengirimku ke dunia, tetapi bagaimana cara saya hidup di sana? saya begitu kecil dan lemah."

Tuhan : "Aku sudah memilih 1 malaikat untukmu. Ia akan menjaga dan mengasihimu."
Bayi : "Tapi di sini di dalam syurga apa yang pernah kulakukan hanyalah bernyanyi dan tertawa. Ini sudah cukup bagi saya."

Tuhan : "Malaikatmu akan bernyanyi dan tersenyum untukmu setiap hari dan kamu akan merasakan kehangantan cintanya dan menjadi lebih bahagia."

Bayi : "Dan bagaimana saya boleh mengerti saat orang-orang berbicara kepadaku jika saya tidak memahami bahasa mereka?"

Tuhan : "Malaikatmu akan berbicara kepadamu dengan bahasa paling indah yang pernah engkau dengar dan dengan penuh kesabaran dan perhatian dia akan mengajarkanmu bagaimana cara berbicara."

Bayi : "Apa yang akan saya lakukan saat saya ingin berbicara kepadamu?"

Tuhan : "Malaikatmu akan mengajarkanmu bagaimana cara berdoa."

Bayi : "Saya dengar bahawa di bumi banyak orang yang jahat, siapakah nanti yang akan melindungi saya?"

Tuhan : "Malaikatmu akan melindungimu walaupun hal itu akan mengancam jiwanya."

Bayi : "Tapi saya pasti akan sedih karena tidak melihatMu lagi."

Tuhan : "Malaikatmu akan menceritakan padamu tentang-Ku dan akan mengajarkan bagaimana agar kamu boleh kembali kepada-Ku, walaupun sesungguhnya Aku akan selalu berada di sisimu."

Saat itu syurga begitu tenangnya sehingga suara dari Bumi dapat terdengar dan sang bayi pun bertanya perlahan,

"Tuhan, jika saya harus pergi sekarang,bolehkah Engkau memberitahuku nama malaikat tersebut?"

Jawab Tuhan,
"Kamu akan memanggil malaikatmu, Ibu."

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Memoirs of destiny.

  My ustazah had informed me that we need to believe in everything of what ALLAH had destined to us. Her father had said that even a single piece of a leaf will have the permission of ALLAH to drop. So, all incidents that happened to us are all destined. No such thing as coincidence. Why? Ask your faith. How you perceive your destiny is how you practice your way of life. If you do not do anything to alter your destiny, you will remain just as before. This is because we have to be smart enough to strive for success. ALLAH wants His slaves to think and make efforts in order to succeed  in all aspects of life. We need to compete and at the same time try not to forget our life "over there". If we try to attain success just for the world, you will lose you life over there. 
  Many of us think that everything is destined in this life. Yes you are right in term that something you have the choice to choose whether you want to do it or not. Let me give you an example, you are hungry and ALLAH had given you the money to buy something. So, you now have the choice to eat rice or fried noodles. By the way, you also have the chance to eat something that is not halal. For example, pork and something that you do not know the status of halal. I think this is clearly defined how you can choose your destiny in life and how you can make sure you will get the best in life. Allah had destined the destiny but you will have the ability and power to choose. Choose the best in order to sustain success in your life as a Muslim.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Nice thing to share.

A white man asks: "why shouldn't women in Islam a handshake with a man?"

Sheikh replied: "can you shake hands with Queen Elizabeth?

White man replied: "Oh of course it shouldn't be! Only certain people can shake hands with the Queen. "

A smiling Sheikh & said: "our women (the Muslims) is the Queen of &, the Queen should not shake hands with a man carelessly (which is not an unmarriageable person)."

White man ask again, "why Islamic women cover their hair and body?"

Sheikh smiled and got 2 chocolate, he opened the first one continues to the other closed. He threw them to the floor the dirtier.

Sheikh asks: "If I asked you to take one chocolate, where you choose?"

White man replied: "that is closed ..."

Sheikh said: "that's the way we treat our women and see."

White man replied: "Wow Islam is Amazing ..." 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Do you know what is destiny?

  I have read an article entitled about rezeki as it was written by Imam Muda. So far as I know many people will only say, let him be..his/her rezeki. Forget it, its his/her destiny. Destiny is understood on how a person perceive it. Let's read about this story. It was told by the author who quoted one of the prophets who can communicate with animals. The prophet asked the ant whether he wants to have a supply for a sweet or not. Then, the ant replied, It's okay. I believe in ALLAH. I will only stay alive if Allah's will. Then, the prophet offered him to be give two sweets so that he can stay alive. Before that, the ant told the prophet that he will stay alive for about two months if he is given two sweets. 
  After two months, the prophet came back to visit the ant. He was so surprised as the ant would only ate half of the sweets. He scolded the ant as he lied to him. Then, the ant told him calmly, "I don't believe in human as I only believe in Allah. I'm afraid if you forget about me as destiny of death will come as you will not appear." The prophet now understood that Allah is the only determiner of destiny as no one can alter it even for a little thing. It does not mean that we have to be still and do not do anything to change our life as we have to. In Quran, it is stated that Allah will not change the fate of a person/community if they do not want to change. It is clearly stated that we need to change for a betterment or for our life as it will be determined by ALLAH SWT. He is the only god that we need to obey to ask for blessing and hope for His forgiveness. 

The sweetness of "Usrah"

  One of the members in my usrah told us that usrah is just like a person who drives a car and need to fill the fuel every time that person wants to have a journey. So, life should be represented as a journey and we need iman (symbolizes as usrah) to survive. Nowadays, life seems so hard as we are exposed to variety of media and types of sins in every aspect in life. Committing sins are just like a new trend for trendy teens and they have adopted in life. However, they tend to forget religion as the basic principals in life. Besides, those people who want to strengthen Islam are said to be narrow-minded as they are not as up to date as theirs. They prefer to have enjoyment in life rather than praying in the Mosque or Surau because they will say that Islam is not all about praying together. Yes, you are right. That is not the point, it is just the bless from the almighty ALLAH.
  We have a lot of things to be discussed in Islam as not many of us are able to understand all aspects of Islam in life. So, in usrah, we will be having presentation for every week as we need to give our understanding to the others as we can discuss deeply on what we do not understand for particular matter. It will be hosted by our own members in usrah and led by a naqib. Naqib will act as a leader and actively participate in the discussion and make a conclusion from every members in usrah. Actually, we will not do something rare in Islam as our main objective is to strengthen our faith. Sometimes, we have known that matter but the thing is, we tend to forget something that we have left it for a long time. So, it is the time for us to know and knowing what we do not know. 
  There are many thing that we can discuss in Islam as we have to be an open minded person. Some people would only accept Islam from Jemaah in a Mosque and do not appreciate some preaching in television or any programme. The thing is some people may possess same colour of hair but different type of heart. As stated in Quran, there is one and only organ in your body that will determine your behaviour called heart. Believe me, if you do not have any usrah member, try to find one. Try to find a Naqib. Try to form usrah and try to strengthen your faith for your own sake of life. May ALLAH bless you friends.

Taubat is not an option

Many of us think that if we do something wrong, it is a destiny that we should let it go. Sometimes, it is not right as we need to think behind the bars. If we carry on doing sins, what kind of life that we are going to create? Is there any bless that we hope for? So, in this case, Taubat is not an option, it is an obligation. Allah has already planned the destiny as we need to think of what we did. If we commit something wrong, we need to repent as sincere as you can, as enthusiastic as you can. This is because life is all about bless. Once you did anything wrong, look back on your past life. Think of your future. Do you think you want to be as the same as a sinner all the time? What will be happening on your upcoming life? Do you think you are ready enough to meet the almighty ALLAH? Ask yourself so that you will know the answer as ALLAH loves those people who like to repent and enhance their Ibadah. As life goes on, we should assume Taubat as an obligation part in our life as every cloud has a silver lining. Maybe we are destined to do such sin so that we will not repeat it in future and improve our life to the betterment. Life is about making choices. The best decision maker would be you.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sajak kemerdekaan

Coretan Memerdekakan Perpaduan
446 tahun dahulu..
kamus kehidupanku terus dijajah
kesemua asetku telah rakus dilapah
sehingga satu detik bersejarah
tanggal 31 Ogos 1957

Malaysia tidak lagi ditangisi
dengan penderitaan dan keperitan
apabila pulangnya rombongan kemerdekaan
simbolik kemerdekaan dikecapi

satu gugusan paling unik di dunia
gabungan tiga kaum utama negara
Bersatu memacu mengukir nama

Wawasan 2020..
misi utama negaraku tercinta
ku semat erat amanah pejuang
meneruskan kemajuan di sebalik kemerdekaan
sematkanlah semangat jiwa merdeka

adakah betul kita merdeka?
bersatu dalam mengukuhkan perpaduan
bebaskan diri dari penjajahan mentaliti
menjadi seorang warganegara terbilang
meneruskan legasi bersama pemimpin cemerlang
merdeka tetap terus merdeka..

Nukilan: Shahrol Fahmie Suaidi

Saturday, September 1, 2012

The colours of SBE!

First of all, I would like to explain to you what is SBE. It is actually a programme specifically for teacher trainees to adapt the situation in school. To me, my second SBE was really fantastic and awesome as I can teach Year 1 students of SK Bandar Tenggara 1 for English subject. They really cooperate and enjoyed my lesson. I was asked by a teacher to assist him as he is still learning just like me. I was shocked at first because I need to teach phonemic to Year 1. Just imagine I have to produce clear pronunciation and correct way to produce the sounds. It was fun even though it was really tiring. The moments I wanted to enter 1 AMBAR class, a student came to me and asked, "Sir, may I go to the toilet". I was touched indeed as he respects all teachers including this "new" teacher. It was really fun to see all the kids were so eager to answer my questions as I need to handle phonemic class with some of my friends. I conducted the class quite well as our headmaster saw it. It was also an exciting day to go as it was my last day at the school. We just have four days to accomplish our SBE. The day before, I was asked to entertain the students as the teacher got to buy something and I taught them "noun" and "adjective". They were so eager to make fruit salad as the teacher had prepared it. I told them how to describe an apple (noun) and suddenly a smart boy said, green apple!I could not describe how I feel on that moments. It was a strike to me as a new person in education field. All of them were so excited to shake my hand and I have to compliment their teachers as they managed to educate the students to respect the teachers. Congratulations teachers! I was so touched as all of them enjoyed to participate in the class as they enunciate all the words enthusiastically. How I wish I could be like them in my era as they were so lucky to have a new syllabus of KSSR. It was really enjoyable, effective and practical guide to be followed. I will never forget the moments when they called me as "Sir Shahrol".HAHAHA..

Friday, August 31, 2012

Be grateful people!

It has been quite a long time as I do not write anything in my own blog. Before that, I would like to congratulate a country which called as Malaysia for celebrating its Independence day (55). It was a long journey for a government to rule such a very dynamic, beautiful, historical and developed nation country. We have to be proud of Malaysia. Malaysia is old enough to be respected and loved. This is because we have been colonized almost 446 years before. It was long enough to trigger our mind and think forward before we want to find our politician's mistakes and shift to another government. Do you want a stable country to sell its stability to another party? No right? Think before you want to simply judge our government's ruling. We are smart enough to know who is wrong and who is right. Do not judge a book by it's cover as we could not assume everything just because a minor mistake. As second generation of Malaysians, we need to ask ourselves whether we are ready enough to accelerate our country in world stage. Sadly, not many of us are smart enough to do that as they were obsessed with some rhetorical ideologies for political purposes. Besides, prevention is better than cure. Do you know that actually we have formed unity long time ago? My lecturer had told me that we do not need 1 Malaysia slogan in order to build our unity as we already made it up. This is another aspect that we should be proud of old generation. They are mature enough to prevent 13 May of 1969 tragedy to repeat. Do not say that you know everything just because you can give your opinions regarding any political issues. Do you know that Malaysia is the only country who was formed by three main races in the world? That is one of the strongest facts that we have to compliment our government's ruling. No need to change our flag as we already declare our flag as "Jalur Gemilang". What for? Just to fulfill someone's mission? Answer by yourself. Tun Dr. Mahathir had said, "To gain independence is much simpler that sustaining independence". Our former Prime Minister agreed that we have to work harder in order to move forward and maintain our success in all aspects.
We are lucky enough to have some beneficial facilities to survive and not many of us are grateful enough to say "Thank you" Malaysia. Do not ruin our our unity just because of political ideologies because we already united long time ago. We just need to carry on our ancestors' tradition as maintaining the stability of our country. It is just my humble opinions and I hope all of you are wise enough to say "I'm proud of Malaysia". Malaysia Boleh!

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